Stuck at home during half terms? Here are ways to entertain your children


Here we go again! After months of remote work and learning over spring, followed by the summer heat, we find ourselves, once again at home with the kids. 

As blissful as this may seem, keeping young children entertained, device-free at home for long hours could be challenging. The good news is that choosing to be safe and cosy inside, doesn’t mean giving up entirely on having a good time and bonding with the family. 

Below is a list of must-haves to keep in handy when boredom strikes:

1| Boredom Busters Collection

 Boredom Busters Collection is one of our favourite educational activities, especially for our little ones, under 6 years. It includes over 50 highly engaging activities around various themes, occasions, seasons even mathematics! We love to see the boys busy practising their motor and reasoning skills while having loads of fun. 

2| Twister

Never gets old! Bring out your Twister game and bring on the fun. Be the last woman standing! But watch your kids’ reaction as their mama lands headfirst on the ground.  

3| Slime

We were never really fans of “Slime” until we got our hands on this super cool – most importantly non- toxic – glow in the dark Slime Factory from science4you. Yes, things will get messy, but the joy this brings to your Little Scientists as they learn how to create a sticky fish, a fun jumping ball, slime worms or prepare a crazy slime makes it all worth it! 

4| Indoor Bouncy Castle 

Our kids’ energy level tends to skyrocket after a long day home; they would be jumping around from one couch to the other right about late afternoon. So if your child enjoys active play, we highly recommend this Jumptacular Bouncer from Fisher-Price It’s durable, affordable and without a doubt, safe. You can place it in your child’s play area or the family room indoors. 

5| Little Learner – Wearable Zoo Paper Toy

Can you imagine telling your little ones that they can, not only, assemble and colour their favourite animal but wear it too? Check out a vast collection of 100% recyclable cardboard by Little Learners to choose from Mumzworld it includes circus, rockets, castles and more. 

Head over to Mumzworld to shop and view more of our selection!


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