Best Christmas Toys For Your Baby’s First Year!


Your baby’s first Christmas is the most magical moment of the year! It’s a special and exciting time for the whole family. Parents, grandparents, and relatives might be waiting impatiently to share this experience with you by showering your baby with a good number of Christmas gifts.
The best gift of all? is investing time in teaching, playing and engaging in educational activities with your baby through daily interactions. and because playtime is their favorite time, we’ve listed down the best developmental toys to bond over with mama during the first year.

From 0 to 3 months:
Soft and squishy rattles
Baby bracelets with bright colors
Finger puppets
Baby play mat with a small mirror
Baby Play-gym

From 3 to 6 months:
Stuffed animal toys that are safe for sucking
Small Toys that sing or make noises

From 6 to 9 months:
Baby exerciser (they are much safer than a baby jumper or walker at this age)
Musical instruments such as baby-safe drums or harmonica

From 9 to 12months:
Baby walker
First Duplo set
Interactive baby books
Shape sorters
Stacking blocks
Alphabet shaped puzzles


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